Construction monitoring is a service which provides the client with independent verification (to the extent of the consultant's engagement) that the works have been completed in accordance with specified requirements.
Most construction projects are unique, but unlike manufactured products which are often thoroughly tested and evaluated during construction and prior to being brought into service, the completed project is rarely for all design requirements. Construction works are also complex in detail and skilled professional involvement is necessary for the successful executive of such projects.
Five levels of construction monitoring service are defined. The decision as to which level is appropriate will be project dependent.
Factors influencing the level of construction monitoring for a project are:
• The size of the project
• The importance of the project
• The complexity of the construction works
• The experience and demonstrated skill in quality management of the constructor
The primary responsibility for completing the contract works in accordance with the requirements of the plans and specifications is the constructor's.
The involvement of the consultants is important during the construction phase to ensure that;
• The design is being correctly interpreted,
• The construction techniques are appropriate and do not reduce the effectiveness of the design and
• The work is completed generally in accordance with the plans and specifications
The risk of non-compliance can be reduced by increasing the involvement of the consultant. Because the cost of monitoring increases with increasing levels of service the client should consider all factors before deciding upon the most appropriate level of construction monitoring for the project.
Table 1 sets out the five levels of construction monitoring, describes the types of review and indicates where a particular level of monitoring is appropriate.
Tables 2 and 3 provide rating values for various aspects of a project to enable an assessment of an appropriate monitoring level to be made. An increase in the quality monitoring of the project works by the consultant significantly reduces the risk that the materials or components do not meet specified requirements, the design has been incorrectly interpreted, and/or poor quality workmanship has been incorporated in the project.
